Serve the Nation, always and everytime...
Indian Veterans Corp
Indian Veterans Corp (IVC) is a conglomerate of tri service veterans on a 2nd innings for profit company. The initial focus is maintenance and repair services to the individuals, corporates, industries, Indian defence and security Forces. The company has a pool of pan India multi disciplinary team of veterans with on ground expertise on this mission .
The Ideal Service
Bootstrapping, the company will offer a One Stop Repair Destination (OSRDs) in selected military stations across India. The workshops will be kitted to provide services to co-located defence force on PE, central / state government organizations, hospitals, schools and other commercial establishments. Services will span multi brand range of vehicles, equipment and commercial off the shelf products to include core ancillary jobs like welding, upholstery, denting, painting as well as maintenance services for IT, telecom, generators, ACs, mobiles, and an eSeva Kendra.
Strategic business services will spawn to leverage business voids and existing strengths of local veterans and industry expert technicians. If you are a Veteran or from a veteran family, or a family of serving personnel, and you desire to participate in equity share ownership, kindly visit the Veterans Corner for more details.
Best Practices
As a pure veteran company, IVC inherits the core trust of the Indian citizen on defence force persons to deliver quality service in time and optimized cost. To retain and enhance this essential reputation will remain the core services delivery principle of the enterprise.
And with a view to deliver annual dividends to equity stakeholders, best corporate practices will guide business operations using a real-time neural network of stakeholder, executive and governing council with an assistive AI&ML feedback. An owner driven process shall continually avoid the known pitfalls that could negatively impact the impeccable reputation of IVC, and therefore, customer satisfaction shall drive the returns, ie., the clientele as well as dividend yields.
Our Nation Our Pride

Our Focus
When Swamy Vivekanand entered the Meditation Hall at Mayavati, he requested his devotee and host to remove the two large images of Guru Parmandand Ramakrishna and Maa Sharada Devi from the hall.
His hosts were persplexed. The significance of this simple direction from Swamy Vivekanana sank in when the devout hosts sought Maa Sharada Devi's advise on their dilemma.
And then clarity came in vividly. Images or Deities or Gurus enter your thoughts subconsciously and may interfere with pure meditation for a self realization of ones own purity and God within...
This is enshrined in a small note in the place deep in the foothills of the Himalayas beyond Almora where anyone can visit anytime, stay there in the most serene environment you can find and experience pure clarity of thought and mind.
Our Mission is driven with such a clarity in our meditation to provide pure service to the customer and the stakeholders alike.

EOI Solicited from Providers
Eligibility for Participation
1. All tri service veterans including wives and dependents drawing family pension ECOs, SSC, etc.
2. All short service personnel who have served in the Indian Defence Forces for not less than two years.
3. Parents of cadets undergoing training as combatants / officers and spouses / children of serving personnel.
Design IVC Logo & Win Rs 5,000
IVC is looking for logo design from the eligible categories of persons to be adopted by the company in December. Kindly register below to receive terms and conditions of the context