IVC is a pure commercial for profit group of companies exclusively owned by the Veterans of the Indian Defence Forces, their dependents and families of serving personnel.
The strength of the company lies in the pan India presence of veterans with a wide range of experience and expertise acquired during their active service and post retirement forays grow as “Our Company“. And conversely, veterans are also, fortunately, blessed by an innate trust and faith of every Indian with pride which will be the most important factor in operational efficiency.
A job portal, a matrimonial portal and an eCommerce market place is coming up by the end of October. Other primary verticals are already under active consideration by dedicated host teams, and their plans should be out soon. Registrations for owning equity in the company is underway with a slightly bullish approach to encourage early bookings.
By owning shares of the company, every veteran can earn revenues if one believes in this strength of holding hands together in a win win situation.
The primary business of the company will aim to provide basic and specialized services to the Indian society, businesses.and industries.
Business units to be raised are detailed in the Services page. It envisages engagement of trained ESM for supervisory controls and enable employment opportunities for locals to optimize costs. The employment of veterans will not be mandated and be purely on skill and need based as per prudential norms of a ‘for profit’ company. The senior management would be engaged by the governing council from the best in the industry.
Staff selection in each company would follow strictest norms of performance based engagement without compromising on quality of service deliverables to the end client.
1. All registrants who have booked a share will be requested their willingness to participate in the Governing Council.
2. Interested registrants will be requested to to submit their profile in an objective format, probably online. Format to be formalized.
3. The list will moderated to remove identification marks as to who’s who, and their specific qualifications will be highlighted.
4. The moderation of Profile will be done by three Committees of Host Members independently. Verification of Profiles to be done. Detailed modalities to be suggested.
5. The moderated profile shall be circulated to all the Registrants for their recommendations of nomination to the Governing Council.
6. The same list will also be circulated to a panel of experts from the Industry and acamedicians. Host Committee to identify the panel of experts online.
7. Best fit recommended profiles will be circulated to all members for a final comments. Comments to be vetted by a Hosting Group Committee.
8. The Selected Members will be intimated about their selection in the Governing Council.
Recommended Operational Mode of Governing Council
1. Governing Council will operate on an anonymous digital platform. Software under deliberation.
2. GC members will be requested to keep their own selection confidential. Honour Code.
3. GC members will submit their recommendations on the way ahead on the platform and debated. Preferrably on an objective manner so personalities are not revealed. Working modalities to be worked out but generally, by voting.
4. Host Members to pay their share of Equity & Deposits as founders. These will be at par, and include costs upto incorporation and two month’s salaries of Executive Committee (EC).
5. GC will select the EC (CEO, COO, CFO and secretariat) from applications to be sourced similarly, from within the Members / from the public after an advertisement in the media. There shall be no mandate to select ESM only.
6. EC will engage the company secretary, CA, Legal & Compliance. Only under this clause can ESM be mandated since these are professional services, however, EC will still have mandate to decide.
7. EC will incorporate the company. Decision on place and location to be deliberated by the Members with detailed justification on logic of why a place it to be selected as HQ of IVC.
8. GC will identify Business Verticals to be launched in Phase 1, generally as follows
(a) Businesses that will yeild safe and immediate revenues and
(b) Businesses that need capacity building for generating revenues in mid term.
9. EC will prepare Detailed Project Reports on identified businesses and share with all Members who have booked equity.
11. Members will be requested to confirm their Booking of Equity Shares and placement of Deposits.
12. EC will source gap funding through :
(a) Angel Investments from Members and Industry Angels.
(b) Venture Capital.
(c) Term Loans.
(d) FDI / ECB.
13. Launch Projects.
14. GC to provide Direction, Supervision and Advise.
Remuneration for GC and EC
1. GCs will be entitled to remuneration to be paid as either of the two options to be exercised before their engagement :
(a) Sweat Equity (converted into Deposits at a premium)
(b) Cash paid out when IVC projects gives profits at par.
2. ECs will be engaged on regular salaries as decided by GCs and standard market norms.
Governing Councils of Independent Verticals
1. Selection on similar lines of IVC Core GC.
2. Operations on Similar Mode of IVC core GC.
3. Vertical GC to operate as subsidiary of Core GC.
1. All tri service veterans including wives and dependents drawing family pension including ECOs.
2. All short service personnel who have served in the Indian Defence Forces for at least two years.
3. Parents of cadets undergoing training as combatants / officers and spouses / children of serving personnel.
As a veteran, you are automatically entitled to own equity in the company and earn consolidated dividends accruing from across the group companies, year on year. Please note that all investments are subject to standard market risks and so before you invest, do go through the corporate governance practices that would be applied to mitigate such risks as best a owner driven collective effort can do.
From leading a business entity in your neighborhood, seeking a job in the nearest IVC commercial unit, opportunity to lead major IVC initiatives in your comfort zone, IVC is for the veterans by the veterans and of the veterans.
IVH commercial operations will assure quality deliverables on time and optimum cost to the customer. And ownership for profit is again, of the Veterans by the Veterans and for the Veterans…
Any equity share holder can invest into the Company Deposits which will be mapped to company profits and will yield dividends at par with equity share holding.
At this stage, IVC is accepting only Bookings for Deposits. Once the new raising gets incorporated after deliberations by the stakeholders and moderated by governing councils to be appointed, payments will be called along with a prospectus. These deposits will be in Lots of Rs 10.000/-.
After first series of investment lots at par, all other series of lots will be available at a premium. The booked lots will be called for payment on incorporation of IVC which is expected by late December. Investment Prospectus will be issued separately prior to call for paymment.
Advent of digital communication enables a neural network of stakeholders, organization, leaders, people, boards and a governing council operating through a transparent framework to identify and prevent known evils that can afflict organic growth. One of the primary concern of the governing council would always be to look out for such signs and respond appropriately. For more details, visit our corporate governance page.
Share and unsecured deposits may freely be transferred to other eligible veterans or their dependents as applicable. More details in prospectus to be issued with each series. IVC will provide an online exchange for transfer of security deposits..
We value personal data submitted very seriously and comply with international norms for Data Protection. Kindly visit our Privacy Policy page for more details on how we address data protection.
IVC is a new raising, and we have a major role in upkeep of the dignity and pride of the defence forces. While an interim logo has been designed, IVC is looking for an innovative logo design that will represent the brand IVC. This contest is open to Eligible Persons as defined above. Terms and Conditions will be mailed to you as well as instructions for uploading the Designs.
Who are we? Well, its an us. Including you...
Indian Veteran Corp (..oration), IVC is a body of ESM on a unique venture for pure profits through leveraging core skills. The eco system will enable veterans ramp up their opportunities and income in their 2nd inninngs with more ease. IVC, germinated on 23 Sep 20 emerging from the clutter of a daily banter in a WA course group, where from the background noise of ECHS and a nicely worded IHQ call for EOI to set up ESM Wksps. Under the tutelage of the course group forming a BOO (another WAU), the first formal offer has been made to IHQ on 10 10 20 20 with a nationwide convergence of IVC pioneer hosts in 22 military stations. It is a new raising being hosted by the course aptly selfied “The Irregulars”. Kindly preview these pioneers and their comments here.